
Sponsored Post Guidelines

At Androidpure, we cover articles, review gadgets and may include sponsored posts if they fulfil our post guidelines. Check out the guidelines below that must be fulfilled for a sponsored post on Androidpure:

  1. All the sponsored posts will carry Sponsored tag, in accordance with FTC regulations.
  2. The fee charged for a sponsored post will depend on your case.
  3. We do not include Reviews by Androidpure under “Sponsored” category. The sponsored posts title cannot include the term “Review“.
  4. We allow maximum two (2)No-follow” links in the post as per Google’s guidelines.
  5. The posts must be at least 300 words and we reserve the right to edit your post to correct grammar, spelling, and formatting.
  6. The sponsored post should include at least one high-resolution relevant picture which you must have the right to use, or it must fall under the creative commons category. Same applies to the videos.
  7. We accept payment in advance. Discounted sponsored posts can be considered for repeated sponsored posts from the same source.
  8. All sponsored posts must be in accordance with the theme of Androidpure. And, we reserve the final decision to accept or reject a sponsored post.
  9. Please don’t ask for custom links on keywords and custom anchor texts. It’s strictly against our guidelines.
  10. The terms of the partnership must not be disclosed to any third-party.
  11. We reserve the right to take down the sponsored content and take further actions if your product/service violates any copyright or patent.
  12. We do not have any relationship with the sponsor and the views expressed in the sponsored posts don’t represent Androidpure.

To get your sponsored posts published on Androidpure, contact us via email: [email protected]