OnePlus 6T is expected to officially launch next month on October 17. It seems that OnePlus want some positive buzz about the way they offer major Android updates to their smartphones ahead of the official launch of OnePlus 6T. The company has just announced that OxygenOS 9.0 for OnePlus 6 based on Android 9.0 Pie is rolling out to users around the world in phases and it should start reaching every OnePlus 6 user soon. If you remember, the company was testing the beta version of OxygenOS 9.0 since last month.
Starting with the Android Pie, OxygenOS version number will correspond with the Android version number. Check out the changelog for the update here:
- Updated system to Android™ 9.0 Pie™
- New UI for Android Pie
- New adaptive battery support
- Android Pie gesture navigation
- Updated Android security patch to 2018.9
- new features and system improvements
- Do Not Disturb mode
- Do Not Disturb (DND) mode with adjustable settings
- Gaming mode 3.0
- Added text notification mode
- Added notification for 3rd party calls
- Accent color
- Supported accent color customization
The OxygenOS 9.0 Android Pie update for Oneplus 6 is already rolling out to users and confirmed by many on Twitter. We have added two such screenshots confirming the same ( thanks to Vinod & jejehtc).
As you can see from the screenshot, the update package is 1521MB (~1.5GB) in size and hence users are advised to update their devices only via WiFi, not with the cellular data. Apart from Nokia, most of the smartphones brands have been slow in providing Android updates to their older smartphones and hence it is good to see OnePlus quickly rolling out the Oxygen OS 9.0. Users may get access to new features thanks to many new features that Android Pie offers compared to Android Oreo along with some new features with Oxygen OS from OnePlus.